Why we exist
the new economy Changes everything
We are living inside the "New Economy." The New Economy is unlike the Industrial Economy of the mid-20th century and unlike the service economy of the late 20th and early 21st century.
The New Economy is unlike the Industrial Economy of the mid-20th century and unlike the service economy of the late 20th and early 21st century.
Inside those economies, success in life unfolded in a relatively linear way: “Do this, then that.” By following this linear progression, success was virtually guaranteed. However, the New Economy has changed the game.
Today, the predictable, linear approach of old is yielding less and less results, and costing more and more to follow. In short, the ways of old are broken and a new approach is needed.
The "Old Guard" is clueless
"Conventional Wisdom" is the belief that the "life is linear" approach still works. The "Old Guard" are the teachers, parents, professors, and administrators who believe Conventional Wisdom still works, even when it doesn't.
Importantly, the Old Guard are older people, having played the college game decades ago. The Old Guard doesn't understand that the world has changed, so they advise students for a reality that hasn't existed in decades.
The Old Guard doesn't understand the world has changed, so they advise students for a reality that hasn't existed in decades.
As a result, college advice has not changed, or has not changed quickly enough, to adopt to the new realities of the New Economy, causing significant harm to students.
new, younger voices must emerge
We were founded by Millennials, those who worked and attended college inside the New Economy, something the Old Guard hasn't done. The Old Guard advises students from the outside looking in, since they have never attended college inside the New Economy.
We replace the Old Guard with relevant college advise from younger people who understand the world has changed. We understand the New Economy because we've worked, studied, and graduated inside the New Economy.
We understand the New Economy because we've worked, studied, and graduated inside the New Economy.
Most importantly, we advocate for the student. Not the parents. Not college administrators. The student. That means, much of this advice may offend you, particularly if you aren't a student. But changing things means having the best interest of 18-year olds in mind, something few people regrettably do.